
Legal notices

FirstSpirit is a product of the e-Spirit AG, Dortmund, Germany.

All rights reserved, except the software products listed in the following which are used in FirstSpirit according to the respective specific licence.

FirstSpirit contains the following software packages:

Each software package is legally protected according to the given licence information.

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (

The source text of the free software used in FirstSpirit under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is available on the FirstSpirit installation DVD and in the customer area on It is possible to update the software packages used by copying the package's JAR file into the firstspirit4/shared/lib directory of the FirstSpirit server. Packages used in FirstSpirit JAVAClient are updated by entering the JAR file in the firstspirit4/web/fs4root/start/FIRSTspirit.jsp file used by Java Web Start.

e-Spirit AG has acquired licences for use of the following software packages in FirstSpirit:

Using these software packages outside FirstSpirit for your own use is not allowed without the permission of the provider.
FirstSpirit™ is a product of the e-Spirit AG. Legal notices Server name: - Server-Version: 4.2.507.71601